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Mississippi Medical Alert, Health Monitoring and Home Safety Systems |
Clarksdale MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --Southern Security Systems, Coahoma County Click to request assistance
Collinsville MS - Mississippi medical emergency panic button --Genesis Telecommunications Inc, Lauderdale County Click to request assistance
Flowood MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --Doty Communications, Rankin County Click to request assistance
Flowood MS - Mississippi medical emergency panic button --Southern Security Systems, Rankin County Click to request assistance
Greenville MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --Fortress Security Solutions, Washington County Click to request assistance
Gulfport MS - Mississippi medical emergency panic button --Lifeline-Memorial Hospital, Harrison County Click to request assistance
Hernando MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --Professional Aesthetics Provider LLC, DeSoto County Click to request assistance
Jackson MS - Mississippi medical emergency panic button --Ross Financial Products, Jackson County Click to request assistance
Jackson MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --Security Support Services, Jackson County Click to request assistance
Lafayette MS - Mississippi medical emergency panic button --Acadian On Call, Lafayette County Click to request assistance
Memphis MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --First Alert, DeSoto County Click to request assistance
Meridian MS - Mississippi medical emergency panic button --Jean Tucker Collections, Lauderdale County Click to request assistance
Meridian MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --Response Link Of Mississippi, Lauderdale County Click to request assistance
MossPoint MS - Mississippi medical emergency panic button --Absolute Protection Inc, Jackson County Click to request assistance
MossPoint MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --MDS Audio & Security, Jackson County Click to request assistance
Quitman MS - Mississippi medical emergency panic button --Prime Alert Security Systems, Clarke County Click to request assistance
Ridgeland MS - Mississippi medical alert systems --Silver Fox Communications, LLC Click to request assistance
Contact Mississippi Medical Alert & Home Safety Sytems
For the convenience of the public, care providers are listed on this page to show services available in a particular area. We cannot verify the business practice or the background of providers listed on this page. As a result, we do not provide contact information. Members of the Mississippi Care Planning Council, listed on this site, have agreed to abide by a code of ethics. If you wish to contact a member of the Mississippi Care Planning Council regarding any of the eldercare services listed on this page, please fill out the form below and a council member will contact you. Please be aware that your information may be shared with other members of the Care Planning Council who might be able to help you as well. Read Our Disclaimer.
About Medical Alert & Home Safety Sytems
This area of assistance focuses on the use of devices that warn of problems with homebound people who are often without caregivers for certain periods of the day.
Home medical alert and homewatch systems can protect seniors living alone by sending an alarm or triggering a panic button when the elderly person falls or has a medical emergency. Systems also can monitor through video cameras or through GPS tracking devices to locate a senior who may need closer supervision.
Home medical alert systems consist of a medical alarm pendant, medical alarm console (also called medical alert base unit), and monitoring center. The alarm pendant is worn around the neck, on wrist, or even on the belt and features a transmitter. On pressing the help button of the transmitter, the signal transmits to the console, which in turn passes through the telephone line. The signal then reaches the person at the medical monitoring center or a neighbor, depending on how the system is set up.